Dont work anymore on iPhone 6. Was great before.
Sem duvidas o melhor!
Just updated and the app still isnt working.... Screen flashes and it crashes my phone. (iPhone6s)
Please fix
Keeps saying network error and keeps flashing it Fix plz
It wont even work. All it does is refresh and a dumb tab keeps popping up
all we get is "netwok connection time out"...
not the best :c
The app does not work at all.
This app gives me so much insight oh who Im following and who is following me
Does the job
I guess its pretty cool
Really good
The app works, just wish there wasnt a limit.
Great app! Very useful tool!
It has a little graph that is very helpful. It helps me keep track of my followers
This app really helped decide who to follow and unfollow ghosties!
I like to use this app very often! Easy to use and simple to keep the track of your own followers! Highly recommend